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Does astrology accurately predict the future? Is it comparable with Christianity? Astrology is big business. There are over 175,000 part-time astrologers and 10,000 full-time astrologers in the U.S. Over 2,000 newspapers carry daily horoscopes! Estimates of American believers in astrology run from 32 million up to one half of the population. What should our attitude be toward astrology? What...

Introduction Astrology is big business. There are over 175,000 part-time astrologers and 10,000 full-time astrologers in the U.S. Over 2,000 newspapers carry daily horoscopes! Estimates of American believers in astrology run from 32 million up to one half of the population. The popularity of astrology can be seen everywhere; and includes astrological T-shirts, jewelry, restaurant place mats, and horoscope vending machines! The astrology business grosses several hundred million dollars a year. Its
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